Declan's first Christmas day was great! We had stayed the night at Grammy and Pop's house. In the morning we got up and Santa had brought Declan a See and Say toy. He loves it! He sits quietly and listens to it. We had a Dutch Baby for breakfast. Then Declan took a nap in his swing and Brad and I helped get the table ready for dinner. Dick and Roberta came over and we visited with them. Then Scott, Kristine and Elias arrived. Pop went to go get Great Nana and Todd. She came in her wheel chair. Declan took another short nap. Paula, Dan, Krista and Traci came later. We had a great New York Roast for dinner with mashed potatoes, green salad, broccoli and more. Of course Declan woke up right when dinner was hot! Later on Chess came over to spend the rest of Christmas with us. We made ornaments with Krista and Traci. Then the Barnards left and we opened presents and ate cookies. Then we packed up and headed for home. We opened our Hamilton presents when we got home and then went straight to bed!
Pop, Declan, Grammy and Elias |
Wearing the Rudolph hats Grammy made for the boys
Grammy and Declan
Great Nana Hope and Declan
Pop and Declan with the present he made for Grammy and Pops
Grandpa Dick and Elias
Todd was being mean to me so I sat on his lap for punishment! |
Scott and Elias |
Elias on his chair from Grammy and Pop
Todd giving Nana her antlers
The Barnards with Nana
Declan on his giraffe chair from Grammy and Pop
Nana and Dan
Nana and Krista
Elias with his bear from Great Nana
Great Nana and Rudolph Declan

Uncle Scott and Declan
Elias playing with his See n' Say from Declan with Auntie Kristine and Pop
Declan and me
Uncle Todd, Me, Declan, Brad, Uncle Scott, Elias and Auntie Kristine
The whole family