Tuesday, August 26, 2014

More Summer Fun!

August has been a busy month for us. We've been outside enjoying the beautiful weather and spending time with friends and family.
Wednesday Declan and I had our last summer swimming lesson. After lessons Declan went to Grammy and Pop's house and I went to Sunnycrest to help Trysha in her room. Declan enjoyed looking in the garden at the pumpkins and sunflowers. He also checked out the new 4Runner.

Thursday Declan and I went to music in the park at Silver Lake. We met Grammy, Pop and Elias there. After the music we played on the playground!

On Friday afternoon Declan and I headed down to Seattle for Katie and Geoff's rehearsal dinner. We sat in traffic for 2 hours! Finally we made it to Tutta Bella and met Daddy. Declan wore his bow tie from Auntie Sarah Beth. 

We had a nice morning together Saturday. Then we dropped off Daddy at the bus stop to head to Seattle for the wedding pictures. Declan and I went to Grammy and Pop's house. Declan played on his new couch and bike. 

Declan had his first sleepover Saturday night! He did great and really enjoyed it. He got to go to church Sunday morning with Great Nana. She said he has one volume at church "Loud!"

We came up mid morning to take Declan for a bike ride. We rode from Bryant to the big red barn. It was an exciting ride. At one point Declan's helmet flew off his head! We had to swerve and slam on our brakes to avoid it. When we were loading our bikes at the end we realized I was missing the bolt holding my tire on. Thankfully we are all fine. 

After our bike ride we headed home and had a delicious salmon dinner. Declan loves salmon! 

Today Declan was crawling all over the house trying to catch Olivia. I managed to get a little video of it. 

Monday, August 18, 2014

Declan's weekend

On Saturday we took Declan for a bike ride around our neighborhood. We went to Tambark park and played on the swings. Declan and I showed Daddy the trail and the dog park too. Declan started to nod off as we rode so we headed home for lunch. After lunch Declan took a little snooze and Brad headed to a bachelor party.

 On Sunday we relaxed in the morning and then went to Fresh Paint on the Everett waterfront. Declan was able to see glassblowing, painters and potters all working. He also saw a harbor seal and a pup in the water at the marina. We walked down on the dock and showed Declan where we got married. Then we headed over to Scuttlebutt's for fish and chips. Grammy and Pop surprised Declan and ate dinner with us. He loved the french fries and the cod! He was totally worn out and went to bed as soon as we got home.

Our house was way too hot as usual and Declan didn't sleep well. Between midnight and 4:30 he ate about 24 oz. He woke up at 6:45 screaming, which is unusual for him. I went in and realized that his room smelled like poop! I grabbed him up and went to change his diaper when I noticed he'd had a blowout all up his back. I got him all cleaned up and wiped off his shirt and put him in clean clothes. There was poop all over his changing table pad so I removed it and put it in the laundry pile. When I reentered his room I noticed it still smelled awful. I looked in to his bed and saw that there was poop all over his sheet and even worse, all over Teddy's head! Poor Teddy was wiped off and shoved into a pillowcase for a trip to the washing machine! When Declan took his morning nap I managed to get in three loads of laundry. I sure have an exciting life! :-)

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

I eat everything

Declan loves to eat food that we eat. He thinks it's much better than the pureed food I make for him. Lately he's been loving toasted o's, crackers, and watermelon. At lunch time today he had blueberries cut in half and watermelon.

 For dinner he tried pasta, a little bit of bread and most importantly BLACK OLIVES!! How did he feel about black olives, you ask? Well he loves them. In fact he was eating olives and then ate some raspberry, then more olives, then more raspberry. It was the best part of my day!

Nine Months Old!

Declan is nine months old! Where has the time gone? He's doing all sorts of amazing things! He can pull and style hair like a professional, sings solos and sings with the choir at church (to clarify, he's not in the choir), he dances, wiggles, builds tall towers, does the worm, the army crawl, pulls himself up, says "daadaa" and "maamaa," feeds himself small chunks of food, laughs at his own jokes, front floats and back floats in the pool, waves bye, pets RJ gently, picks my nose, pokes our eyes, and he texts messages! Impressive, I know.

Today he visited with Trysha for his 9 month photos. He wasn't a super smiley man like normal but she managed to get some amazing photos. Here they are:
Can you believe they put me in a wash tub? 

I take modeling very seriously! 

My thighs look very good at this angle, don't you think?

Well hello ladies, yes I can drive backwards!

I don't look like much of a baby here, do I? 

Mommy was yelling "work it, baby." She's silly