Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Baby Ben Obsessed

Declan is obsessed with his new cousin Bennett. He calls him Baby Ben and especially looks forward to Fridays when he would see Ben, Elias and Kristine at Nana Hope's for waffles. Declan loves to kiss Ben on the cheek and forehead. He'll miss his weekly waffle date now that Auntie Kristine is back 
to work! 

Train Bed

Declan is now in a twin bed! Brad and Boppa went to the cabin to get the captain's bed for Declan. They met Elias and Scott for a hike at the pass and then brought the bed home. The night before we had put out Declan's mattress and cute bedding set from Trysha and Amanda. He loved it and couldn't wait to sleep in it. He was super excited when his bed arrived in his room and he got to sleep in it for the first time. 

Unfortunately his bed is not magical and he is still an early riser! He's been having a hard time going to be in the evenings, since the weather is beautiful and it's still light out. He tells us loudly and clearly "no nigh, nigh day!" 

Dino Garden

Declan and I made a dinosaur garden. I got the tire from Mao and Boppa. Then we spray painted it with leaves, added some plants from our yard and last we put in our Buy Nothing free dinos! It turned out so cute and Declan loves playing in it.  

Tuesday, May 10, 2016


Here are a few random shots of Declan playing around the house!  He loves to wear my sunglasses :-) 

Declan fell asleep at Costco in the cart one morning. It was pretty cute! He was so tired from getting up too early! 

Here's Declan driving the cart at Home Depot early one Saturday. The benefit of being an early riser: the car carts are available! 

Declan played dress up at Walmart in the craft aisle. Isn't he a lovely princess? 

Daddy decided chocolate dipped strawberries made an excellent lunch. 

 Building with Legos, or "gegos" as he says! 

Monday, May 9, 2016


On Mother's day we went to church, Declan and Brad took me to Molbaks and I chose a lemon tree for Mother's day. Then we went to Snohomish for a family BBQ. We had a lovely day together. The boys played in the tunnel and little house in the front yard. 

Declan kept calling Loki "RJ" and told us he wanted to take him home. It made our hearts a little sad. We still miss him! 

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Sprinkler and Popsicles

After playing at the toddler park we all headed home for rotisserie chicken, a run through the sprinkler and a Popsicle picnic! 

I let Declan run naked since it was so warm and I hadn't brought a swimsuit. After playing in the sprinkler, Declan ran behind a wheelbarrow by the house and pooped! Ha! He yelled "Mommy, poops out!" 

Monday Play Time

On Monday Mao picked up Declan while I had an appointment. They played at her house until Elias, Bennett and Aunt Kristine arrived. They took the boys into the toddler playground in Snohomish. Paula and Great Nana Hope also came to the park to watch the boys play!

Declan Loves to Talk!

Declan has been talking even more this week. He's putting together sentences and know the names for most things that he wants. He does say some funny things!
He says: Legos are pegos, go hushkies and crayons are "drawers"
He loves to talk about poop and toots. I think that's part of being a little boy. All cats are named Bo and all dogs are called Brody. He likes to help feed his "frish" Simon.

The other night in the bath tub he was playing with his little people ship's captain.  I asked him if that was the captain and he told me NO! It was "Baby Nana Hope!" HA! He continued to talk about Baby Nana Hope for the rest of his bath. He often goes into the bathroom to check on Baby Nana Hope.

Last week I picked him up after work and he ran up to me and said "mommy, MY BUTT." I asked him not to talk like that and so he yelled again "MY BUTT." I had him stand in the corner for a timeout. When he was done, I reminded him that's not a word we use, plus he doesn't yell at me. He said ok and started to play. He walked over to me again and yelled it two more times. He got another time. After his timeout he walked over, game me a hug and said he was sorry. Then he gently patted my back and whispered in my ear "my butt." It was so hard not to laugh!