Monday we had a couple of inches of snow so Nana and Declan played in the snow. They built a cute little snowman named Snowball. Then they came inside for hot chocolate.
After all the snow melted, there were several days of rain. This led to the pond near Mao and Pops backyard to overflow. Declan was thrilled with the "river" running down the side of the yard. Of course he has to explore! He found a mud puppy and later a tiny frog.
Declan and Mao made Valentine cookies. Declan helped her roll out the dough. Then Mao, Declan and I decorated each cookie. He loved licking the frosting.
We had a bit of snow in February. Declan got to play in the snow with Mao and Papa several days. He got to go tobogganing, build snowman, roll in the snow, paint the snow, and even tried out his skis.