Thursday, July 12, 2018

Build a Bear

We braved the Build A Bear crowds to take the kids to the Pay Your Age Day at Build A Bear. The boys had never been in the store and Declan was so excited. Our cousins Krista and Grace were visiting from Portland so they joined in on the adventure.

We waited in line for nearly 6 hours to get our three bears. We had no idea it would take so long, as the line slowly moved forward and people were leaving the store with big smiles. The store manager kept telling us we were almost there, even though we really weren't. We got in line next to the mall's tot lot at 8:30 in the morning. We played go fish, walked around, chatted with each other, ate snacks, took bathroom breaks, did Declan's maze book, colored his minions book and sat on the floor.

We finally made it close enough to look in the window!

Wesley stayed awake the entire time we stood in line. About two minutes after entering the store, he fell asleep in my arms! I couldn't believe it!

Declan had his heart set on getting the Incredible Bear. Just as we got into the store, the store ran out of the bears. He was so disappointed but decided he'd be happy with a different bear. I turned and saw one last Incredible Bear way up high on a shelf. It was already stuffed, but Declan didn't mind. He was so happy to get his bear! He helped me choose Chewbacca for Wesley and then got to help stuff Chewy. Grace chose a pink princess bear and a dress to match! Both the kids washed and combed their bears before we checked out. Even though it was a long day and a long time in line, I enjoyed being together and doing this with our kids!

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