Saturday, January 26, 2019


Today after Declan and Daddy skied we lit Declan's baptism candle and talked about his baptism. He has a huge heart for God and loves Jesus so much. It's a wonder and delight to watch his faith take shape.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Duffy Bear

Declan loves his Duffy and Incredi-bear! This week Mao brought over an old box with my Cabbage Patch doll's clothes. They fit Duffy and Incredi-bear perfectly. Declan was delighted to dress them up and play. Duffy even rode my old Barbie horse! 

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Bath time

Taking a bath together. Declan loves to gently wash brother's hair and carefully rinse it out! Plus they like to lay and splash together! 

Art time

Just doing a little art together. 

Monday, January 21, 2019

Zoo day!

We spent a wonderful day at the zoo with the Grospe's! We had a great time checking out the animals, playing together, giggling and running around. 
Wesley getting ready to go to the zoo 

Checking out the huts at the savannah

Lilly and Lupe 

 Glen and Taj


After a long day at the zoo, Declan and Wesley went to Mao and Pop's to stay the night. Declan and Elias went skinny dipping in the hot tub!